Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Scramble!

Last night we finally were able to partake in all that The Ladies have given us. We invited a couple friends over to the house and scrambled a baker's dozen of eggs (but with fourteen yolks, go figure).  This first picture shows The Rooster at the stove grating some cheddar cheese into the eggs. Just a little cheese and a little black pepper and we were ready to eat. Of course, we had to have bacon and biscuits.

This second picture shows what came out of the first egg (we think from Ringo). Imagine our surprise when we found two yolks! Every other egg after that was a bit anti-climactic. The yolks are a deep yellow and we've found a higher yolk to white ratio than what we've had before.

Finally, here's the table set with the eggs served on the plates. The best part of the whole experience is that in a week we can do it all again.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

One Week=One Dozen

From this first picture, you can see the product of one week. We have a baker's dozen with the one still sitting in the nest, but the picture of a full carton is just so lovely. We've held off on eating until we had a full dozen, but I think there may be some omelets on the menu tonight! We'll post an update with pictures and reviews soon.

This second picture is The Rooster's attempt to catch one of the Ladies in the actual act of laying an egg. Here's Ringo sitting on the nest she's made out of the hay in the nesting box and looking like she really wants to be left alone. I guess you can't really blame her.

The movie below was taken at the same time as the picture and easily demonstrates that The Rooster was not the only one wanting to know how things were going. Mother Hen has been wanting to get a camera that captures sound along with video, but using the one we have now means The Rooster gets to add his own soundtrack. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ovum Becomes Ove!

Apparently, one of the Australorps decided to get into the egg-laying business, meaning we now have two of the Ladies earning their keep. From the picture you can see the difference in color, the brown egg coming from an Australorp (e.g. John or Paul). We don't yet know if the difference in size is a breed characteristic or just to be expected with the first couple eggs; we're thinking the latter.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day!

One down... eleven to go.

In the United States, Labor Day represents a long weekend at the end of the summer and the last chance to wear seersucker for the season. However, Labor Day has taken on a much more ovular meaning. That's right... 
We have an egg!

Mother Hen and the Rooster travelled to Louisville to watch a friend swim/bike/run the Ironman (he finished!) and when we returned, there was a nice gift waiting in the nesting box. Here's a picture of Mother Hen pointing out the new find.

With one of the Ladies earning her keep, there's no telling when the other three will join in the fun. The nesting box has fresh hay and the Ladies are now eating Layer Food. Here's one more picture of Ringo, George, and Paul relaxing in the sun.