Friday, January 30, 2009

The Saudi Arabia of Chicken

Last night on The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert interviewed Richard Lobb, Director of Communications at the National Chicken Council, about the shortage of chicken wings currently afflicting our country. Included in the interview was the breaking story that the United States indeed have a strategic chicken reserve.

We suggest contacting your local Galline Representative and encouraging them to support the release of chicken wings before this Sunday's Super Bowl.

The Ladies have indicated they hope this shortage will break America of what they consider to be a disgusting habit.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Psycho Chicken...

I heard this song this afternoon on WRVU, 91.1 FM. Does anyone else have some good galline parodies? There have to be more out there...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Chicken Whisperer

Mother Hen's mom forwarded a new story about chickens in her local paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

If we had known we could turn this whole experiment into a money making venture, we might've started earlier. With a chick costing around $2.50, you can guess what the profit margins would be when selling to soccer moms.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Chickens in the News

So what does it take to have an article written about you in The USA Today? Apparently, five chickens in your backyard. Maybe we'll add another hen in the Spring and see if any reporters show up. Until then, check out these Backyard Ladies on the West Coast

(Thanks to Mother Hen's dad for sending us the link!)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Ladies and Vaseline

Tonight marks a new first for The Ladies, which means our first blog post in quite awhile. Nashville is looking at some record low temperatures and so we had some friends over after dinner to help us prep The Ladies for zero degrees. As you can see from the pictures, we're all dressed for the weather while out on the back porch. At that point, we were hovering somewhere around fourteen.

The part of the story you would expect is that we put The Ladies in Big Sister's former crate on the porch and covered them with a couple of warm blankets.

The part you might not expect is what we had to do for the combs. Each of The Ladies got a nice covering of petroleum jelly to make sure frost bite doesn't set in.  We'll see if they last the night.