Sunday, February 22, 2009

Galline Fashionistas

If you don't know already, industrial egg production is pretty awful. One of the common effects of chicken factories is that the chickens lose their feathers from the cramped cages.

So what's the answer to bald chickens? Knitting them sweaters, of course.

(If you Image Google "Chicken Sweater" you'll get plenty of other examples.)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles!

The Rooster was in LA this weekend for a conference and while there made it out to Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles. The name says it all. He ate a piece of fried chicken and a waffle. The food was pretty amazing, living up to the standards of a member of Nashville's informal Thursday Fish and Hot Chicken Club.

For a musical introduction to Roscoe's, check out this YouTube video made by one of Mother Hen's friends.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chickens in NYC!

This past weekend, Mother Hen and The Rooster travelled to the big city for a short vacation and to see the Broadway production of Equus. The play was unbelievable, as was the cheesecake at Junior's afterwards, but the climax of the weekend gallinity was a gift from our friends with whom we were staying. 

They have recently returned from living in Singapore and brought with them a t-shirt for Mother Hen that shows the entire life history of a chicken. Eggs-cellent! For another view of our weekend, check out our friend's blog post on the weekend.