We don't have any pictures today because there's something wrong with our camera, but the Ladies look pretty much the same as they do in the pictures below. They continue to grow and are now in the gangly teenager phase of life. Their necks are too long and their feet are too big. Actually, their feet are huge!
The nesting box has been moved from the den onto the back porch so as to harden the Ladies to the brutal summers and winters they can expect in Music City. They're supposed to be kept at seventy degrees right now so they have the heat lamp on them over night.
The Ladies have made several more trips to the back yard, all under Big Sister's watchful eyes. It was cute watching John try to get underneath Big Sister to stay warm, just like she would do with her biological mother.
The Rooster was not happy when he realized it now takes quite a bit of effort to wrangle all the Ladies back into the nesting box; with feet that big they can move pretty quickly. It also doesn't help when they can squeeze through the lattice work around the bottom of the porch (or that the Mother Hen left him to accomplish this feat on his own).
When we get the camera running, we'll post some pictures of the new digs. It should only be a couple more week before the Ladies are out in their permanent home.
Note: The Rooster and Mother Hen write a monthly column for our church newsletter about all things green. We mentioned the Ladies in this month's submission:
Saint B's Branch.