Thursday, April 17, 2008

First Visitors

The ladies had their first visitor, the daughter of one of the Mother Hen's co-workers.  As you can see, Big Sister is never far from the brood.  The Mother Hen included a small square of terra cotta that warms under the heat lamp and offers a place to cuddle up and sleep.

Progress on the coop also continues.  Just about all of the structure is complete, leaving the top and one side to be covered with chicken wire and the door to be hung.


Anonymous said...

What do you do about rain or a storm? Will the chickens have a covered area inside the pen?

Julie Justice said...

They are soooo amazing. Will I be able to pick one up when I come? (Ew, will it poo on me if I do?).

If I knew any barn-raising songs, uhem, I mean coop-raising songs, I'd be singing them all day.

Anonymous said...

The coop is looking great...I expected it to be a little less straight.