Friday, July 11, 2008

Cambodian Chickens!

We're back from Cambodia and again have pictures of chickens and other animals.

To start, here's a pictures of how we saw most of the chickens in Cambodia. There were a couple wandering around, but most of them were ready for dinner. This is in the Old Market of Siem Reap, a mixture of cheap textiles (the Rooster got some cool fisherman's pants and the Mother Hen got a lot of scarves), raw meat, and local veggies. Apparently, you'll want to stay away from the Thai produce because it has chemicals on it.

This next picture is obviously not one of chickens, but there are some other animals around Cambodia that deserved to be photographed. We didn't see any of these guys until right around lunchtime, when they all came out to beg food from whomever was nearby. We each had a monkey grab our leg and try to take a bite.

This picture may need a bit of explanation. It's an ancient 1000 year-old carving from Angkor Thom of cock-fighting. If you know what to look for, as did our guide Morin, you can see the Cambodians and the Chinese people in the carving betting on which rooster will win.

To end, here's a picture without chickens but one to prove that we're seeing some cool stuff. This temple used to be called something else, but now it's called the Tomb Raider temple because this was used in the filming of the movie. We can't wait to get home and re-watch it so we can say, "We've been there!"

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