Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Scramble!

Last night we finally were able to partake in all that The Ladies have given us. We invited a couple friends over to the house and scrambled a baker's dozen of eggs (but with fourteen yolks, go figure).  This first picture shows The Rooster at the stove grating some cheddar cheese into the eggs. Just a little cheese and a little black pepper and we were ready to eat. Of course, we had to have bacon and biscuits.

This second picture shows what came out of the first egg (we think from Ringo). Imagine our surprise when we found two yolks! Every other egg after that was a bit anti-climactic. The yolks are a deep yellow and we've found a higher yolk to white ratio than what we've had before.

Finally, here's the table set with the eggs served on the plates. The best part of the whole experience is that in a week we can do it all again.


Jux said...


Anonymous said...

Ms. Laughter - I like your chickens. Sam B.

Anonymous said...

Your chickens look so clean. The chicken house is clean!!Do they lay eggs to Beatles' music??

Aharon Hill said...

Yum! Suddenly I am craving Cracker Barrel ;) Congrats!