John and Paul lay light brown eggs that are pretty much indistinguishable. George and Ringo lay a light blue and a light green egg, but we're not sure which one lays which. If we catch one of them in the act, we'll be sure to let you know.
The pictures and videos we could be getting now are pretty much the same ones we've already posted. The Ladies spend most of the day hanging out in the coop and then come out to peck around the yard during the last three or four hours of daylight. Instead of trying to chase them home, we mostly just let wander back inside when it gets dark. They are a lot of fun to watch.
1 comment:
I am taking a survey on gallini-ology.....
Have any of the Ladies escaped the confines of the yard??
Do they put themselves back in the pen at night??
How much have you spent on chicken food??
Cost versus commodity??
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