Thursday, May 29, 2008

Domvs Gallinvs

The Ladies have now spent two nights out in the coop, where they will be spending their lives for the foreseeable future.  Here's a close-up picture to show how big they're getting.  They've become more accustomed to eating cabbage worms from our hands, but they're still pretty skittish throughout the day.  At night, they're very docile, which does not bode well if some predator were to make it inside the coop.

Here's a picture of the nesting box now inside the coop.  The large metal drum hanging in the foreground is the water cooler, around which the Ladies gather to share stories and jokes and catch up on who got voted out on Top Chef.  The metal drum in the background is the feeder, currently attached to the wall.  As the Ladies reach their full height, these will both be moved up to eating/drinking level.

And that's about it for now.  The Ladies seem to enjoy roosting and peeping.  We're starting to take bets on how long before we get some real chicken noises.

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