Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Eating Grubs!

The Ladies continue to make a daily trip out to the coop. We recently purchased their more grown-up feeder and waterer, both of which will hang from the top of the coop eventually.

A lot of the time in the coop is spent, as demonstrated in the picture at left, roosting. The Ladies seem quite content to express their gallinity by getting a few feet off the ground and snuggling.

The Ladies really are attached to one another. The Mother Hen often comments about how when you take two out to the coop, the two left behind start crying until everyone is reunited.

Now that we've got the technology down, we're trying to take more movies. This one shows the Ladies enjoying their favorite snack, cabbage worms picked off of the plants in the garden. This is about the only way the Ladies let us get this close to them.

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