Thursday, May 1, 2008

Getting Bigger...

It's been awhile since the last post.  In the intervening time, the Ladies have continued to grow and that's about the only change.

We've made a few more trips outside and Big Sister continues to herd them.  Here's a picture inside the house of Big Sister keeping an eye on things.

Here's more of a closeup of the Ladies.  They look pretty gangly right now, but we hope they'll be out on porch before too long.

We have a guest this weekend so hopefully we'll have some pictures of more visitors, though she's thus far refused to hold any of the Ladies.


Anonymous said...

I don't know why any one wouldn't want to hold them, they are so cute

Unknown said...

I'd just like to say this is the funniest read ever...great job! I think I'm almost checking this as often as my email these days! Can't wait to meet them :)

Anonymous said...

Your mom and dad told me about this today!! LOVE IT!!!! I hope you guys come down to visit soon!! If you're willing to leave the babies for a little while.